We all need an Anthem Playlist!
May 20, 2019

I can’t remember the last time I was moved as much as I was by the movie The Greatest Showman. I had not expectation of this movie. It touches on issues of difference so profoundly- race, class, appearance, ableism, gender. It tells stories about the power of shame and the courage to overcome in a way that my 7 year old really got it!
We all need support to be brave and daily life is made up of small moments inviting us to show up with vulnerability, authenticity, courage. If we accept this invitation, we will experience joy, connection, pride. We will also experience rejection, disappointment, hurt. In these moments we need people and places to turn to, to help us turn back to ourselves, to remember why we accepted this invitation in the first place, to empathize with the pain when things don’t go as we desired. One of the places I turn to is the world of movies and music. I am so grateful to the amazing creators of these pieces of art. I’ve become a lover of art that includes messages of perseverance, struggle and triumph.
I revisit this movie in my mind from time to time when I feel the need for inspiration or invigoration. “This is me” (sung by the amazing Keela Settle) and so many other songs from this soundtrack are on permanent rotation on My Anthem (Rising Strong™) playlist. These are the songs I listen to on volume HIGH when I have to enter an arena, be vulnerable and brave. What’s on yours?