Gender Affirming Letters of Readiness
SteadyNYC follows the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care which requires letters of readiness for some gender affirming surgeries.
If you are seeking gender affirming surgery, you will be required to provide a letter of readiness for gender-affirming surgery. Some providers have a template they require to be used. We are also able to write our own. A letter of readiness will inform the surgeon and insurance company about the type of surgery you are seeking, why you are seeking this surgery and a psychosocial history that supports the need for the surgery. The details of what a letter will cover will be discussed during your session with one of our associates.
Insurance and Diagnostic Codes
It is usually required for a letter to include a medical diagnostic code for “gender dysphoria” in order to cover transition-related care as medically necessary. You may not fit this diagnostic code exactly, but in some cases, the code is needed in order for insurers to pay for the surgery. A good example of this might be a letter for a person who identifies as nonbinary and does not have a lot of “dysphoria.” They might still need a gender dysphoria diagnostic code attached in order for insurance to cover the surgery.
Whatever the barrier, the professionally trained therapists at Steady NYC are qualified and ready to meet people where they are in their journey of self-actualization, self-acceptance, and moving toward a more authentic and true life.
Letters will include
- A desire to undergo gender-affirming surgery
- Understanding of the effect of gender-affirming surgery or procedure
- The ability to consent to the procedure
- Clearance from other mental health or medical conditions that could negatively affect the outcome of the gender-affirming surgery
- If taking hormones or other medications, an assessment that you are doing well on all your medications
- A psychosocial history of experience with gender.
Our Process
Our Process
- Any adult individual seeking a Gender Affirming Letter of Readiness (that is not currently a client in our practice) is required to meet with one of our therapists for a minimum of one 50 minute session. The cost for this session is $150.
- On occasion a therapist may request additional sessions to obtain the needed information to support completing your letter. Our goal is to limit this to no more than 3 sessions.
- Following the completion of sessions, the therapist will complete the letter in an agreed upon time frame. The cost of the letter writing service is $150.
Contact us today.