
The Need to be Seen

In therapy, we often discuss the importance of “feeling seen.” By this, we usually mean,…

From Scarcity to Abundance

This year’s pandemic has brought about many restrictions and losses.  As we grapple with these…

How change is a good thing

Change Is Painful & Healing

On Friday, September, 18, 2020, again I was reminded of how sudden, drastic change can…

Mindfulness During a Pandemic

Mindfulness During a Pandemic

Since the novel coronavirus first hit New York City, I’ve been thinking a lot more…

Getting Past Fear

Making Friends With Fear

Fear is an emotion I know well and have a long-standing relationship with. However, it…

How to heal from grief

Learning From Grief During The Covid-19 Pandemic

For the past couple of months, I’ve been talking a lot about change with my…