4 Tips for Kids with ADHD

By Julie Gayer Kris

If you are a kid who has ADHD then you are probably creative, quick thinking, spontaneous and powerful. Most kids with ADHD have a lot of resilience and can bounce…

how animated movies help with learning


There is a complexity and sophistication to some young people’s movies that is often overlooked. …

depression therapy near me

May You Root to Rise

A brief look at the benefits and pitfalls of anxiety and depression and how to…

We All Feel Disappointment

My clients and I have been talking about, crying as a result of, finding laughter…

The Need to be Seen

In therapy, we often discuss the importance of “feeling seen.” By this, we usually mean,…

how to gain more resilience

Cultivating Resilience

If you never experience pain, you’re missing out.  This idea can seem counterintuitive or even…

From Scarcity to Abundance

This year’s pandemic has brought about many restrictions and losses.  As we grapple with these…