If you are a kid who has ADHD then you are probably creative, quick thinking, spontaneous and powerful. Most kids with ADHD have a lot of resilience and can bounce…
The Gift of Your Faults
“I give you the gift of your faults.” In the movie A Wrinkle in Time http://movies.disney.com/a-wrinkle-in-time,…
Finding Our Way Through Fear
Everywhere I turn today I see people experiencing fear. I see it in their eyes…
Healing Ourselves & Our Relationships
Some of the most important work I facilitate with individuals and couples is exploring what…
When Drugs Cause Harm
In light of the media attention surrounding the drug related death of the actor Philip…
What is Harm Reduction Psychotherapy
A psychotherapeutic approach that accepts that individuals may engage in harmful behaviors and/or behaviors that…
What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been proven…