4 Tips for Kids with ADHD

By Julie Gayer Kris

If you are a kid who has ADHD then you are probably creative, quick thinking, spontaneous and powerful. Most kids with ADHD have a lot of resilience and can bounce…

how to feel more gratitude

Turning Towards Gratitude

As I approached writing the blog post for this November, I got curious about what…

How change is a good thing

Change Is Painful & Healing

On Friday, September, 18, 2020, again I was reminded of how sudden, drastic change can…

relaxation and stress reduction

Why It Is Important to RELAX!

The Pride in Not taking a break It is common to hear people lamenting their…

Mindfulness During a Pandemic

Mindfulness During a Pandemic

Since the novel coronavirus first hit New York City, I’ve been thinking a lot more…

Getting Past Fear

Making Friends With Fear

Fear is an emotion I know well and have a long-standing relationship with. However, it…

How to heal from grief

Learning From Grief During The Covid-19 Pandemic

For the past couple of months, I’ve been talking a lot about change with my…